4.1.1 A study of the structure of the kr̥ti as adopted by E³³app¡¿a¯ VenÅki¿ar¡ma Bh¡gavatar, keeping in view the similarities and dissimilarities in the sections or aṅga s of the kr̥ti s by other composers.
Three kr̥tis of E³³app¡¿a¯ VenÅki¿ar¡ma Bh¡gavatar have ci¿¿asvarams as follows:
cintay¡myaham r¡ga ¾uddha s¡veri ¡di t¡©a
, , , , , , p d s× d p m d p m r | s , , , , , dÖ s | r m r m p d m p ||
d r× s× d p m p d s× r× m× r× r× s× d r× | r× d s× s× p d d |×m p p r m m s r r ||
m p d d p m*
The highlight of this chittaswara:
This begins after six units in the tala similar to the setting of the graha or eduppu of the pallavi. Hence the Arudhi falls on the first beat of the druta, then the next chaturasra prastara in groups of four - Arohana prastara- dÖ s | r m - r m p d- m p d r- continues to form a return pattern s× d p m- p d s× r× -m× r× r× s× only to reach the higher octave madhyama –the jiva swara of this raga and continues in tisra pattern Avarohana prastara- d r× | r× -d s× s× -p d d -m p p- r m m s r r -m p d -d p m*