ऎ,कॆ,चॆ.. - e,ke,ce..(short);
ए,के,चे.. - E,kE,cE..(long);
ऐ,कै,चै.. - ai,kai,cai..;
ऒ,कॊ,चॊ.. - o,ko,co..(short);
ओ,को,चो.. - O,kO,cO..(long);
औ,कौ,चौ.. -au,kau,cau..;
प. वाचा(म)गोचरमे मनसा
वर्णिम्प तरमे राम महिम
अ. रे-चारि मारीचुनि पडग कॊट्टि
रॆण्डो वानि शिखि(कॊ)सगॆने (वा)
च. मानवती मदि(नॆ)रिगि
चामर(मौ)ट(क)स्त्रमु(ने)य कनि
मानम्बुकै मॆड दाचगा
माधवुण्डु कनि करगि वेगमे
दी(ना)र्ति भञ्जनुडै प्राण
दान(म्बॊ)सग मुनु चनिन
बाणम्बु(न)टु चॆदर जेय लेदा
गान लोल त्यागराज नुतु महिम (वा)
ऎ,कॆ,चॆ.. - e,ke,ce..(short);
ए,के,चे.. - E,kE,cE..(long);
ऐ,कै,चै.. - ai,kai,cai..;
ऒ,कॊ,चॊ.. - o,ko,co..(short);
ओ,को,चो.. - O,kO,cO..(long);
औ,कौ,चौ.. -au,kau,cau..;
प. वाचा(म)गोचरमे मनसा
वर्णिम्प तरमे राम महिम
अ. रे-चारि मारीचुनि पडग कॊट्टि
रॆण्डो वानि शिखि(कॊ)सगॆने (वा)
च. मानवती मदि(नॆ)रिगि
चामर(मौ)ट(क)स्त्रमु(ने)य कनि
मानम्बुकै मॆड दाचगा
माधवुण्डु कनि करगि वेगमे
दी(ना)र्ति भञ्जनुडै प्राण
दान(म्बॊ)सग मुनु चनिन
बाणम्बु(न)टु चॆदर जेय लेदा
गान लोल त्यागराज नुतु महिम (वा)
പ. വാചാമഗോചരമേ മനസാ
വര്ണിമ്പ തരമേ രാമ മഹിമ
അ. രേ-ചാരി മാരീചുനി പഡഗ കൊട്ടി
രെണ്ഡോ വാനി ശിഖികൊസഗെനേ (വാ)
ച. മാനവതീ മദിനെരിഗി
ചാമരമൌടകസ്ത്രമുനേയ കനി
മാനമ്ബുകൈ മെഡ ദാചഗാ
മാധവുണ്ഡു കനി കരഗി വേഗമേ
ദീനാര്തി ഭഞ്ജനുഡൈ പ്രാണ
ദാനമ്ബൊസഗ മുനു ചനിന
ബാണമ്ബുനടു ചെദര ജേയ ലേദാ
ഗാന ലോല ത്യാഗരാജ നുതു മഹിമ (വാ)
പ. വാചാമഗോചരമേ മനസാ
വര്ണിമ്പ തരമേ രാമ മഹിമ
അ. രേ-ചാരി മാരീചുനി പഡഗ കൊട്ടി
രെണ്ഡോ വാനി ശിഖികൊസഗെനേ (വാ)
ച. മാനവതീ മദിനെരിഗി
ചാമരമൌടകസ്ത്രമുനേയ കനി
മാനമ്ബുകൈ മെഡ ദാചഗാ
മാധവുണ്ഡു കനി കരഗി വേഗമേ
ദീനാര്തി ഭഞ്ജനുഡൈ പ്രാണ
ദാനമ്ബൊസഗ മുനു ചനിന
ബാണമ്ബുനടു ചെദര ജേയ ലേദാ
ഗാന ലോല ത്യാഗരാജ നുതു മഹിമ (വാ)
In the kRti ‘vAcAmagOcaramE’ – rAga kaikavaSi (tALa Adi), SrI tyAgarAja relates two incidents to illustrate the greatness of SrI rAma.
1vAcAm-agOcaramE manasA
varNimpa taramE rAma mahima
rE-cAri 2mArIcuni paDaga koTTi
reNDO vAni Sikhik(o)sagenE (vAcAM)
mAnavatI madin(e)rigi
3cAmaram(au)Tak(a)stramun(E)ya kani
mAnambukai meDa dAcagA
mAdhavuNDu kani karagi vEgamE
dIn(A)rti bhanjanuDai prANa
dAnamb(o)saga munu canina
4bANambun(a)Tu cedara jEya lEdA
gAna lOla tyAgarAja nutu mahima (vAcAM)
O My Mind!
Word-by-word Meaning
vAcAm-agOcaramE manasA
varNimpa taramE rAma mahima
O My Mind (manasA)! Is it possible (taramE) to describe (varNimpa) the greatness (mahima) of SrI rAma? It is indeed beyond (agOcaramE) (literally unreachable) words (vAcAM) (vAcAm-agOcaramE).
rE-cAri mArIcuni paDaga koTTi
reNDO vAni Sikhiki-osagenE (vAcAM)
While He thrashed (padaga koTTi) demon mArica (mArIcuni) – the night (rE) prowler (cAri), didn’t He slay (Sikhiki osagenE) (SikhikosagenE) (literally offered to the fire) subAhu - the second (reNDO) one (vAni) (by discharging AgnEyAstra – Fire Missile)?
O My Mind! Is it possible to describe the greatness of SrI rAma? It is indeed beyond words.
mAnavatI madini-erigi
cAmaramu-auTaku-astramunu-Eya kani
mAnambukai meDa dAcagA
mAdhavuNDu kani karagi vEgamE
dIna-Arti bhanjanuDai prANa
dAnambu-osaga munu canina
bANambunu-aTu cedara jEya lEdA
gAna lOla tyAgarAja nutu mahima (vAcAM)
Understanding (erigi) the mind (madini) (madinerigi) of His Consort (mAnavatI) (literally woman) to make (auTaku) a chowrie (of animal tail) (cAmaramu),
when Lord mAdhava (mAdhavuNDu) discharged (Eya) a missile (astramunu) (cAramauTakastramunEya) to sever the tail of the animal,
as the animal, seeing (kani) the missile, projected (dAcagA) its neck (meDa) (in front of the missile) in order to die and save its honour (mAnambukai) rather than losing its hair,
seeing (kani) this, the Lord taking pity (karagi) (literally melt), by becoming the reliever (bhanjanuDai) of the distress (Arti) of the humble (dIna) (dInArti) animal,
in order to grant (dAnambu osaga) (dAnambosaga) (literally give charity) its life (prANa) back, did He not (lEdA) quickly (vEgamE) destroy (cedara jEya) (literally scatter) the missile (bANambunu) then and there (aTu) (bANambunaTu) which was already (munu) on its way (canina) to the target?
O My Mind! Is it possible to describe the greatness (mahima) of SrI rAma – Enjoyer (lOla) of music (gAna) - praised (nuta) (nutu) by this tyAgarAja? It is indeed beyond words.
(Understanding the mind of His Consort to make a chowrie (of animal tail), Lord mAdhava discharged a missile to sever the tail of animal; the animal, seeing the missile, projected its neck (in front of the missile) in order to die and save its honour rather than losing its hair; seeing this, the Lord taking pity, in order to grant its life back, quickly destroyed the missile which was already on its way to the target.)
Notes –
References –
1 – vAcAmagOcara – Please also refer to lalitA sahasra nama (415) ‘manO vAcAmagOcarA’.
2 - mArIcuni – In this regard, the following verses of SrImad vAlmIki rAmAyaNa – bAlakANDa – Chapter 30 is relevant –
sa tEna paramAstrENa mAnavEna samAhataH
sampUrNaM yOjana SataM kshiptaH sAgara-samplavE
vigRhya sumahaccAstram-AgnEyaM raghu-nandanaH
subAhUrasi cikshEpa sa viddhaH prApatad bhuvi 18, 22
“Forcibly hit with that highly excellent missile presided over by manu, the ogre (mArIca) was flung in mid ocean, a distance of a full one hundred yOjana (800 miles).
SrI rAma quickly invoked the most excellent missile presided over by the god of fire and hurled it at the breast of subAhu and, pierced by it, the latter fell dead on the ground.”
Comments -
3 - cAmara – This episode is not found in SrImad vAlmIki rAmAyaNa.
3 - cAmara – used as a fan in temples and for kings . It is generally made from yak’s tail, particularly the silver hued tail. This is also known as chowrie – the tamizh equivalent of savuri. In tamizh mythology, a deer by name ‘kavari mAn’ is mentioned which would not live if it happens to lose even a single hair from its body. Yak is found in himAlayA or Tibet only (nearest to India); also there is no such myth about yAk losing its life to save its honour. Therefore, the reference must be to kavari mAn.
The following verse from tirukkuRaL (tamizh) is relevant –
mayir nIppin vAzhAk kavarimA annAr
uyir nIppar mAnaM varin (969)
“The deer ‘kavari’ would not live even if one hair is shed from its body (considering it to be a matter of honour); such like people, would cease to live if their honour is at stake.”
4 – bANambunaTu cedara jEya – Sort of guided missile which could be controlled (including self-destructed) before hitting the target. Other similar instances are given below.
In the case of Crow demon (kAkAsura) also, SrI rAma redirected the brahmAstra from actually slaying the crow.
In the episode of bridging a causeway over the sea, SrI rAma redirected the missile aimed at the Lord of Oceans. This refers to SrImad vAlmIki rAmayaNa, yuddha kANDa, Chapter 22, verses 30 to 40. Sinful marauders of terrible aspects and deeds dwelling the region of drumakulya – aka – marukAntAra (present day Marwar, Bikaner and Rajasthan) were slayed by the brahmAstra of SrI rAma which was discharged aimed at Lord of Oceans.
The story of arjuna withdrawing brahmAstra aimed at aSvattAma is mentioned in
In the kRti ‘vAcAmagOcaramE’ – rAga kaikavaSi (tALa Adi), SrI tyAgarAja relates two incidents to illustrate the greatness of SrI rAma.
1vAcAm-agOcaramE manasA
varNimpa taramE rAma mahima
rE-cAri 2mArIcuni paDaga koTTi
reNDO vAni Sikhik(o)sagenE (vAcAM)
mAnavatI madin(e)rigi
3cAmaram(au)Tak(a)stramun(E)ya kani
mAnambukai meDa dAcagA
mAdhavuNDu kani karagi vEgamE
dIn(A)rti bhanjanuDai prANa
dAnamb(o)saga munu canina
4bANambun(a)Tu cedara jEya lEdA
gAna lOla tyAgarAja nutu mahima (vAcAM)
O My Mind!
- Is it possible to describe the greatness of SrI rAma – Enjoyer of music - praised by this tyAgarAja?
- It is indeed beyond words.
- While He thrashed demon mArica, He slayed subAhu.
- Consort of Lord mAdhava wanted to make a chowrie (of animal tail);
- The Lord discharged a missile to sever the tail of the animal;
- the animal, seeing the missile, projected its neck (in front of the missile) in order to die and save its honour rather than losing its hair;
- seeing this, the Lord took pity and became reliever of the distress of the humble animal;
- in order to grant its life back, He quickly destroyed the missile, then and there, which was already on its way to the target.
- While He thrashed demon mArica, He slayed subAhu.
Word-by-word Meaning
vAcAm-agOcaramE manasA
varNimpa taramE rAma mahima
O My Mind (manasA)! Is it possible (taramE) to describe (varNimpa) the greatness (mahima) of SrI rAma? It is indeed beyond (agOcaramE) (literally unreachable) words (vAcAM) (vAcAm-agOcaramE).
rE-cAri mArIcuni paDaga koTTi
reNDO vAni Sikhiki-osagenE (vAcAM)
While He thrashed (padaga koTTi) demon mArica (mArIcuni) – the night (rE) prowler (cAri), didn’t He slay (Sikhiki osagenE) (SikhikosagenE) (literally offered to the fire) subAhu - the second (reNDO) one (vAni) (by discharging AgnEyAstra – Fire Missile)?
O My Mind! Is it possible to describe the greatness of SrI rAma? It is indeed beyond words.
mAnavatI madini-erigi
cAmaramu-auTaku-astramunu-Eya kani
mAnambukai meDa dAcagA
mAdhavuNDu kani karagi vEgamE
dIna-Arti bhanjanuDai prANa
dAnambu-osaga munu canina
bANambunu-aTu cedara jEya lEdA
gAna lOla tyAgarAja nutu mahima (vAcAM)
Understanding (erigi) the mind (madini) (madinerigi) of His Consort (mAnavatI) (literally woman) to make (auTaku) a chowrie (of animal tail) (cAmaramu),
when Lord mAdhava (mAdhavuNDu) discharged (Eya) a missile (astramunu) (cAramauTakastramunEya) to sever the tail of the animal,
as the animal, seeing (kani) the missile, projected (dAcagA) its neck (meDa) (in front of the missile) in order to die and save its honour (mAnambukai) rather than losing its hair,
seeing (kani) this, the Lord taking pity (karagi) (literally melt), by becoming the reliever (bhanjanuDai) of the distress (Arti) of the humble (dIna) (dInArti) animal,
in order to grant (dAnambu osaga) (dAnambosaga) (literally give charity) its life (prANa) back, did He not (lEdA) quickly (vEgamE) destroy (cedara jEya) (literally scatter) the missile (bANambunu) then and there (aTu) (bANambunaTu) which was already (munu) on its way (canina) to the target?
O My Mind! Is it possible to describe the greatness (mahima) of SrI rAma – Enjoyer (lOla) of music (gAna) - praised (nuta) (nutu) by this tyAgarAja? It is indeed beyond words.
(Understanding the mind of His Consort to make a chowrie (of animal tail), Lord mAdhava discharged a missile to sever the tail of animal; the animal, seeing the missile, projected its neck (in front of the missile) in order to die and save its honour rather than losing its hair; seeing this, the Lord taking pity, in order to grant its life back, quickly destroyed the missile which was already on its way to the target.)
Notes –
References –
1 – vAcAmagOcara – Please also refer to lalitA sahasra nama (415) ‘manO vAcAmagOcarA’.
2 - mArIcuni – In this regard, the following verses of SrImad vAlmIki rAmAyaNa – bAlakANDa – Chapter 30 is relevant –
sa tEna paramAstrENa mAnavEna samAhataH
sampUrNaM yOjana SataM kshiptaH sAgara-samplavE
vigRhya sumahaccAstram-AgnEyaM raghu-nandanaH
subAhUrasi cikshEpa sa viddhaH prApatad bhuvi 18, 22
“Forcibly hit with that highly excellent missile presided over by manu, the ogre (mArIca) was flung in mid ocean, a distance of a full one hundred yOjana (800 miles).
SrI rAma quickly invoked the most excellent missile presided over by the god of fire and hurled it at the breast of subAhu and, pierced by it, the latter fell dead on the ground.”
Comments -
3 - cAmara – This episode is not found in SrImad vAlmIki rAmAyaNa.
3 - cAmara – used as a fan in temples and for kings . It is generally made from yak’s tail, particularly the silver hued tail. This is also known as chowrie – the tamizh equivalent of savuri. In tamizh mythology, a deer by name ‘kavari mAn’ is mentioned which would not live if it happens to lose even a single hair from its body. Yak is found in himAlayA or Tibet only (nearest to India); also there is no such myth about yAk losing its life to save its honour. Therefore, the reference must be to kavari mAn.
The following verse from tirukkuRaL (tamizh) is relevant –
mayir nIppin vAzhAk kavarimA annAr
uyir nIppar mAnaM varin (969)
“The deer ‘kavari’ would not live even if one hair is shed from its body (considering it to be a matter of honour); such like people, would cease to live if their honour is at stake.”
4 – bANambunaTu cedara jEya – Sort of guided missile which could be controlled (including self-destructed) before hitting the target. Other similar instances are given below.
In the case of Crow demon (kAkAsura) also, SrI rAma redirected the brahmAstra from actually slaying the crow.
In the episode of bridging a causeway over the sea, SrI rAma redirected the missile aimed at the Lord of Oceans. This refers to SrImad vAlmIki rAmayaNa, yuddha kANDa, Chapter 22, verses 30 to 40. Sinful marauders of terrible aspects and deeds dwelling the region of drumakulya – aka – marukAntAra (present day Marwar, Bikaner and Rajasthan) were slayed by the brahmAstra of SrI rAma which was discharged aimed at Lord of Oceans.
The story of arjuna withdrawing brahmAstra aimed at aSvattAma is mentioned in
story in brief-1;
story in brief-1;
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