ENQUIRY geetanjaliglobalgurukulam

Monday, 5 June 2023

९ नवमदशकः - भु वनेश्वरीदशशनः 9 navamadashakah' - bhuvaneshvareedarshanah'

          ९ नवमदशकः - भु वनेश्वरीदशशनः 9 navamadashakah' - bhuvaneshvareedarshanah'

(After Madhu and Kaidabha are killed, the Goddess summons Lord Shiva also and

the trinity is taken in an aeroplane to her place of residence ( the Manidweepa, an

island in the ocean of nectar. The trinity nervously enter the home of the Goddess,

praying to her. This story is told in Chapters II and III of Book 3 of the Devi


एकार्णवेऽस्मिन् जगति प्रलीने

दै त्यौ हरिर्ब्णह्मवधोद्यिौ िौ ।

जघान दे तव त्वदनु ग्रहे र्

त्वतदच्छयैवागमदत्र रुद्रः ॥ ९-१॥

ekaarnave'smin jagati praleene

daityau harirbrahmavadhodyatau tau .

yaghaana devi tvadanugrahena

tvadichchhayaivaagamadatra rudrah' .. 9-1..

1.Oh Goddess when this universe was submerged in the ocean, Lord Vishnu could

kill those two asuras who were ready to kill Brahma, due to your blessings. As per

your wish, Rudra reached there.

During the floods, the entire world was absorbed in a big ocean. It was then that the

2 asuras, madhu & kaitabha, attacked brahma. it was only because of devi’s

blessings, Vishnu was able to confront and kill them. Please check 3rdnd 4th

dashakam. As soon as madhu-kaithabha were slain, Rudra came there. This also was

Devi’s wish.

एको तवमानस्तिसाऽऽगिः खाि्

तत्रमूत्यणतवज्ञािगतिस्त्वदीयः ।

त्वत्प्रेरििा आरुरुहुस्तमेिे

स चोत्पिन् व्योति चचाि शीघ्रम् ॥ ९-२॥

eko vimaanastarasaa''gatah' khaat

trimoortyavijnyaatagatistvadeeyah' .

tvatpreritaa aaruruhustamete

sa chotpatan vyomni chachaara sheeghram .. 9-2..

2. suddenly from the sky arrived, one of your(Devi’s) own air vehicle, whose travel

direction was not known to the trinity; and as per your prompting, the trinity sat on

it. The airplane rose up to the sky and started flying fast.

That as soon as Vishnu killed madhu-kaitabha, Rudra reached there, as per the

previous shloka. Brahma was also standing nearby. Suddenly an airplane from the

sky landed in front of the trimurthis. It was Devi’s vehicle. Mahakali, the form of devi,

that blessed Vishnu so that he could kill madhu-kaitabha, said loudly, ”hey

trimurthi’s! please climb onto the airplane.” According to the prompts, brahma,

Vishnu, and rudran climbed onto the airplane and seated themselves. The airplane

took off. It started the journey at high speed. From where did it come, where is it

going to? -all these the trimurthi’s did not know.

वैमातनकाश्चोद्गियः सशक्रं

तदवं सपद्मोद्भवसत्यलोकम् ।

सरुद्रकैलासममी सतवष्णु

वैकुण्ठमप्युत्पुलका अपश्यन् ॥ ९-३॥

vaimaanikaashchodgatayah' sashakram

divam sapadmodbhavasatyalokam .

sarudrakailaasamamee savishnu

vaikunt'hamapyutpulakaa apashyan .. 9-3..

3.They who were travelling up in that air vehicle, were extremely excited when they

saw, the heaven along with Indra, the Sathya loka along with lord Brahma, The

Kailasa along with Rudra, Vaikunta along with Vishnu.

 The trimurthis, sitting on the airplane, on their upward journey saw the world of

heavens- there they saw indra, devas, all the revered saints, apsaras. The airplane

rose up further. They then saw satyaloka. A brahma engulfed in the vedas was

seated there. This brahma was seen by the brahma seated in the vehicle. The

airplane rose further up. Without any delay they reached kailash. There they saw the

5-headed Shiva and the yakshas. Once again the airplane went higher. They reached

vaikuntam, and saw Vishnu alongwith laxmi. The trimurthi’s believed that only they

were existent. There was no second. Now seated in the airplane they(present

trimurthi) realized there is another trimurthi, brahmaloka, satyaloka and kailash. They

did not feel any fear. Rather they were surprised. In fact with the new experience

they felt the hair on their body standing erect and a tingle went down their spine.

अदृष्टपूवाण तनििां स्मिमूिीन्

स्थानातन िेषामतप दृष्टवन्तः ।

तत्रमूिणयस्ते च तवमोहमापुः

प्राप्तो तवमानश्च सु धासमुद्रम् ॥ ९-४॥


sthaanaani teshaamapi dri'sht'avantah' .

trimoortayaste cha vimohamaapuh'

praapto vimaanashcha sudhaasamudram .. 9-4..

4.When those three Gods saw a different set of Trinity, as well as their places of

residence, whom they had never seen earlier were surprised! In the meantime, the

air vehicle reached the ocean of nectar.

How many brahma, Vishnu, rudra other than them is there in this world? How many

satyaloka, vaikunta and kailash are there? all these were unknown to the trimurthi’s

seated in the airplane. They also did not know where they were going to. They were

all shocked. Thus seated like this the airplane reached the ocean of nectar.

त्वद् रूलिालोलििङ्गमालं

त्वदीयमन्दस्मििचारुफेनम् ।

त्वन्मञ्जुमञ्जीिमृ दुस्वनाढ्यं

त्वत्पादयु ग्मोपमसौख्यदं च ॥ ९-५॥


tvadeeyamandasmitachaaruphenam .


tvatpaadayugmopamasaukhyadam cha .. 9-5..

5.That ocean was having tides like your moving eyebrows, Had foam which was

like your pretty smile, which produced soft sound like your golden anklets and was

pleasurable like your twin feet.

When the airplane reached near to the ocean of nectar, how was it (the Sudha

samudram-ocean of nectar)? - that is the subject of this shloka. The ripples in the

ocean of nectar were like Devi’s eyebrows forever moving. In that 100’s of bubbles

looking beautiful as the Devi’s coy smile. When the ripples beat against each other,

it sounded like Devi’s anklets, very beautiful. just as how people enjoy Devi’s 2 feet,

similarly the ocean of nectar is also enjoyed by people.

िन्मध्यिस्ते ददृशुतवणतचत्र-

प्राकािनानाद्रुलिापिीिम् ।

स्थानं मतर्द्वीपमदृष्टपूवं

क्रमास्मच्छवे त्वां च सखीसमेिाम् ॥ ९-६॥

tanmadhyataste dadri'shurvichitra-

praakaaranaanaadrulataapareetam .

sthaanam manidveepamadri'sht'apoorvam

kramaachchhive tvaam cha sakheesametaam .. 9-6..

6.Oh Goddess Parvathi, those divine trinity saw the Mani dweepa, which was

surrounded by several forts, plants and climbers, which they had never seen before.

In that they saw the mother goddess surrounded by her friends.

The trimurtis seated in the airplane saw the ocean of nectar. In the centre is situated

the manidweepam. There was a sheath of 18 fort like walls surrounding it-

manidweepam. In the centre of this is Devi’s abode, the Chintamanigriha. There are 4

mandapas there-shringaarmandapam, muktimandapam, jnanamandapam,

ekaanthmandapam are their names. In the 4th mandapam named

ekaanthmandapam is where devi is seated. The trimurthis, were able to see all this

sitting on the airplane. They were seeing this place for the 1st time. check the usage

of the word ‘shive’ in the shloka. Seeing the devi itself is auspicious. The trimurti’s

saw devi at the end only.

ज्ञात्वा द्रुिं त्वां हरििाह दाि

स्मिनेत्र धन्या वयमद्य नूनम् ।


प्राप्या जगन्मािृतनवासभूतमः ॥ ९-७॥

nyaatvaa drutam tvaam hariraaha data

strinetra dhanyaa vayamadya noonam .


praapyaa jaganmaatri'nivaasabhoomih' .. 9-7..

7.as soon as Vishnu Recognised the mother goddess, He said, “Hey Brahma, Hey

three eyed Shiva, we are blessed today. This definitely is the ocean of nectar

where lives The mother of universe. This can be reached by only a few blessed


Vishnu has seen Devi before. Hence, now he recognized her. He understood that it

was her abode, and the ocean of nectar. Hence Vishnu told the other two, “we have

been lucky today. We were able to reach devi’s abode and see her. It is the result of

our good deeds.

सा दृश्यिे िातगजनैिदृश्या

मञ्चे तनषण्णा बहुशस्मियुिा ।

एषैव दृक् सवणतमदं च दृश्य-

महे िुिेषा खलु सवण हेिुः ॥ ९-८॥

saa dri'shyate raagijanairadri'shyaa

manche nishannaa bahushaktiyuktaa .

eshaiva dri'k sarvamidam cha dri'shya-

mahetureshaa khalu sarvahetuh' .. 9-8..

8.That devi who cannot be seen by those people with passion and hatred was seen

here lying on her bed, surrounded by several powerful Shakthis. This devi is a vision

only.all these (this universe), is a vision. There is no reasoning for devi. She is the

cause of everything.

Raagi’s are those who have a passion for only sensual pleasures. They will not be

able to see devi. The trimurthi’s were able to see Devi. They are very lucky. Brahma-

the lord of creation, Vishnu- the lord of protection, rudra- the lord of destruction,

the invisible protector-these 4 are the legs of devi’s cot. On top of these 4 legs

keeping them attached is the eternal (Brahman connotes the highest Universal

Principle, the Ultimate Reality in the universe. In major schools of Hindu philosophy,

it is the material, efficient, formal and final cause of all that exists. It is the pervasive,

infinite, eternal truth and bliss which does not change, yet is the cause of all

changes. Brahman as a metaphysical concept refers to the single binding unity

behind diversity in all that exists in the universe.) sadashiva as the plank. On top of

that is where devi sits. A lot of shakti’s(her manifestations) surround the devi.

Drik & dhrishyam: according to the laws of the universe there r 2 elements. They are;

drik & dhrishyam. Drik means one who can see(beholder); the one who is

experiencing. Dhrishyam means that which is visible; what you experience. We know

this universe is made of 5 elements. These elements have their origin(tanmaatraa).

These are the base for the 5 sense organs. The below table gives the connection

between the elements, their origin, & sense organs.

 elements                   origin                    Sense organs

 1.sky                      sound                     Hearing(ears)

 2.wind                     touch                     skin

 3.light                    form                      eyes

 4.water                    flavour                   tongue

 5.earth                    smell                     nose

Tanmaatraa: the foundation link that has all the properties of the thing but can stand


In the above table organs of hearing, organs of touch etc. that are

experiencing(drik). They are the ones that are seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling and

smelling. The details of these sense organs like sound, touch etc are the


The experiences of one is the foundation of the experienced. There is no change in

this rule. Know that sound, touch etc that we experience is the foundation for our

experiences of hearing feeling etc. just as the sense organs are the ones that

experience the sense of touch, feeling, etc, we should know that same way these

sense organs are the experiences for mind and intelligence. what ever changes

happens to our sights ,it does not influence our experiences. The colour of drishyam

can be white or black, it can be long or short in shape. What ever dhrishyam it does

not effect drik. The conscience Along with wisdom and intelligence, the sense organs

are the dhrishyams. The eyes or the ears can have a flaw, need not have also- all this

does not affect the perceived conscience. We should know the conscience makes

the perceived soul into a visible one. The mind can be sad or happy. that does not

affect the perceived soul. There is no chance that the soul sees another perception. It

is above all that , it is the sights of all perceptions.

We have to understand all this before going to the 8th shloka. The devi,who is the

paramatma for all, is a perception. The entire universe is a vision of that perception.

Devi cannot be provoked-she is not the reason for anything happening, it is

otherwise, she is the happening, it means.

बालः शयानो वटपत्र एक

एकार्णवेऽपश्यतममां स्मििास्याम् ।

ययैव मात्रा परिलातलिोऽह-

मेनां समस्तातिणहिां व्रजेम ॥ ९-९॥

baalah' shayaano vat'apatra eka

ekaarnave'pashyamimaam smitaasyaam .

yayaiva maatraa parilaalito'ha-

menaam samastaartiharaam vrajema .. 9-9..

9. In the single ocean, I (Vishnu) an infant, who was sleeping on a banyan leaf, saw

this devi with a smiling face. I was loved by this devi as a mother. Let us go close to

this devi who is the destroyer of all problems.

Vishnu continues: he reinforces what he said in the previous shloka the fact that devi

is the cause and reason for everything. The story of Vishnu seeing devi when he was

sleeping on a banyan leaf as an infant, has already been mentioned in the previous

shloka (8th shloka) .

We can identify with the fact that the same devi was seen by Vishnu when the

universe was submerged in water. The deluge was not an obstruction to devi, she is

the cause of everything. Vishnu was aware of this truth-Brahma and rudra was

unaware of this.

If the devi had presented herself the same when everything is blended in the deluge

of water, we can say otherwise, the deluge is not a barrier for devi, that the devi is

the happening.

रुध्यामहे द्वारि यतद स्तुवाम-

स्तत्र स्मस्थिा एव वयं महे शीम् ।

इत्यच्युिेनातभतहिे तवमान-

स्त्वद्गोपुिद्वािमवाप दे तव ॥ ९-१०॥

rudhyaamahe dvaari yadi stuvaama-

statra sthitaa eva vayam mahesheem .

ityachyutenaabhihite vimaan

stvadgopuradvaaramavaapa devi .. 9-10..

10. Lord Vishnu said, if we are stopped at the gate, we should pray to the goddess

from there itself. As Vishnu said these words, the air vehicle reached the gates of

devi’s abode.

Vishnu continues: we can go near to devi, this was mentioned in the previous

shlokas. Supposed we are not able to go near, then what? Suppose the guard at the

entrance of the gate stops us? We should stand there and pray to devi. As Vishnu

finished saying all this the airplane reached the entrance gate.

आयाम्यहं तचत्ततनिोधरूप-

तवमानिस्ते पदमतद्विीयम् ।

न केनतचद्रुद्धगिो भवातन

त्वामेव मािः शिर्ं व्रजातम ॥ ९-११

aayaamyaham chittanirodharoopa-

vimaanataste padamadviteeyam .

na kenachidruddhagato bhavaani

tvaameva maatah' sharanam vrajaami .. 9-11

11. I am coming to your matchless position, in the air vehicle of mental fantasy. Oh

Goddess, I should not be prevented there by any one. Oh Mother, I would

only surrender to you.

The poet wishes to rise to the feet of devi by single-minded devotion. The airplane

for that is, control of one’s mind only. Let there be no obstacles for this yogic

practices-the poet wishes. Bow down to devi, pray to devi for her blessings- then

one can start yogic practices and reach devi’s abode.

Thus ends the 9th chapter

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