5. pg 7Kamalapate Hemavathy Kriti
Raga: Hemavathy 58th mela karta raga
Tala: Adi
ka ma lA pa te ka - ru NA ra sa poo - - ra - Na
ka ma lA na na/ ka - ma lA - sa na - - - / ja na - ka -||
vi ma lA - -/ A - - sru ta/ pa ri pA - la /
va na - mA - lA - - aa dha ra gha na nee la - - ||kamalApatE
pu rA - - Sru tam / kru ta/ ka ree - ndra/ pA - - - la - na/
va ra - - dA na/ mA - na ra - ksha Nam - -/ ||
dha RA ----------ta - lai/ kru pi su - ta - as tra/ pee - - - Di - ta/
su - rA - Ba yam vA na ren dra - - ni Si cara
va - rABa yam kru ta / ma - - pi - sru tam
ni - rA kru ta/ am - ki mu Ba - vA - aBa yam - ma ma
pU - rA - ri/ nu ta/ ve - - ~gka Ta ra ma Na - -
- / ja - ya -
Song no: 5, page 7
Kamalāpate Ragam Hemavati Talam Adi
O! Kamalāpate! One whose eyes are like lotus petals and brimming with kindness! The creator of the one seated on the lotus (Lord Brahma).
O! The Pure one! One who protects those who supplicate/prostrate (in front of you)! One wearing a vanamāla (garland with different types of flowers)! One of deep blue hue!
Heard in the past, about the protector of the lordly elephant (Gajendra Moksha) and the one who protected the honour of the lady (Draupadi’s discomfiture on the attempted disrobing by the Kauravas in the sabha, where Dharmaputra made her the wager at the instance of Sakuni, who played foul- this episode is seen in the Mahabharata in the Sabha Parva), On the earth (in the battlefield) saving the Pandavas from the suffering arising from the arrows of Kripi’s {DrONA's wife}son{aSwatthAma}, saviour of the child (the reference is to Parikshit, when he was in the womb of his mother(Uttara), the refuge of gods, one who gave protection to the chief of apes (Sugriva) and the one moving about during night (Vibhishana), all these have been heard (by me), One without form, One who gives refuge from (the ocean of) repeated births and deaths (i.e., giver of moksha), One who is praised by the one who is the enemy of Tripura (Lord Siva), O! Venkataramana! Victory to thee!
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