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Saturday, 1 February 2025

goddesslakshmidevi #lakshmi #lakshmipuja #adisankara #adisankaracharya #shloka #shlok #shlokam #kanakadharastotram #kanakadhara


The Shloka was written in the 8th century AD by Adi Sankara. One day, as a young boy, he was on bhiksha for alms to prepare his lunch and happened upon the doorstep of a very poor Brahmin lady. Having nothing edible in her home, the lady frantically searched her house, only to find a single amla (gooseberry) fruit which she then hesitantly offered to Sankara. Sankara was so moved by the incredible kindness and selflessness of this woman that he burst forth into poetry and sang 21 stanzas in praise of Goddess Lakshmi. Pleased by the beauty and power of the hymn, the Goddess appeared before him and asked him why he had remembered her. Sankara pleaded with the Goddess to reverse the fortunes of this lady's family by granting her riches. At first, Goddess Lakshmi refused to do so, saying that the lady had not been charitable in her previous birth and was bound by the laws of karma to have a fate bound to poverty in her current birth. Sankara implored the Goddess that the lady's act of absolute selflessness should absolve her of her sins of the past and that Lakshmi was the only one capable of changing the fate of someone by erasing or changing the writings of the future made by Lord Brahma. Goddess Lakshmi was so pleased that she instantly showered the lady's house with goose berries made of pure gold. Jyotirlakshmi Decoration - Courtesy Meera The Ragas in this shlokha are Bhoopalam , Malayamarutham, and Dharmavathi Kanakadhara stotram Ragam - Bhoopalam S.S. RG.. RGG. R.SS SḌR. S.S. || R.S. RG.G RGP. DPP. DP.P .... || D.P. DP.. DPP. P.PG RSR. G.G. || G.G. G.P. G.RG R.SS SḌR.S.S.|||| 1 || P.P. D.P. DPDP DPG. PD.. D... || Ṡ.D. DP.. PDPG .G. . RG.G P.P. || P.D. Ṡ.Ṡ. DṠDP .PG RS.R G.G. || S.R. GG.. RGP. PGPD DPD. Ṡ.Ṡ. |||| 2 || S.S. RG.G RGR. RSS. RG.. G... || P.G. G.RG R.S. SD.. R. S. S... || S.D. DD.. DDPD PG.. G.P. D.D. || Ġ.Ṙ. ṠD.. DD.D P. PG P..G D .P.. || || 3 || P.P. DP.. PDPG .GG. G.PD ..D. || S.D.S.D. D.PD PG.G RS.. RG.G || R..R RG.. RGRS .SS. D..S D.P. || D.G. GG.. RSRG . DPG. PD.P .... |||| 4 || Ṡ.Ṡ. ṘṠ.Ṡ DṠD. PGP. DṠ.. Ṡ... || Ṙ.Ṙ. ṘṠ.Ṡ ṘṠD. DPG. PD.. P... || P.P. DP.P DPG. GRS. .RG. G... || G.G. PG.R GRS. SDD. SR.. S... || || 5 || D.D. DP.P DPP. DPG. PD.. D... || Ṡ.D. DP.P PDP. PGR. GP.. P... || R.R. RG.. GRGR SSD, SR.. S... || P̣.R. RR.R RGR. RSR. GR.. S... ||‖ 6 ‖ S.S. RG.G RGP. PGG. PD.. P... || D.D. DD.D DPG. PGP. DD.. D... || PDṠ. ṘṠ.Ṙ ṠṘṠ. ṘṠD. ṠD.. P... || G.D. PP.P GPG. RRSḌ R... S... || ‖ 7 ‖ SD.. DD.D DṠD. DPG. PD.D D.D.|| ṠD.Ṡ DPP. GPG. RS.. RG.. G... || G.G. PG.. GGPG .RSḌ .SḌ. P̣... || P̣.R. RR.R RGR. SḌḌ. SR.. PS...|| ‖ 8 ‖ S.S. RG.G RGP. DPG. PD.. D... || D.P. DP.D PGG. GRS. RG.. G... || Ṡ.Ṡ. ṘṠ.. ṠṘṠD .DD. P.DṠ . . Ṡ. || ṘṠṠ. ṘĠ.Ṙ ṠṘĠ. ṘĠṘ. ṠṘ.. Ġ... ||‖ 9 ‖ Ṡ.Ṡ. ṘṠ.Ṡ ṘṠD. DPP. DṠ.. Ṡ... || Ṡ.Ṡ. ṠṘ.Ṙ ṠṘṠ. ṠṠṠ. ṘĠ.. Ġ... || Ṙ.Ṡ. ṘṠ.Ṙ Ṡ.Ṡ. Ṡ.DP G..P D.P. || G.P. DṠ.Ṡ ṘṠṠ. ṘṠDP DṠ.. Ṡ... || ‖ 10 ‖ Ragam - Malayamarutham A - S R₁ G₃ P D₂ N₂ Ṡ Av -Ṡ N₂ D₂ P G₃ R₁ S P.D. NṠ.Ṙ ṠĠṘ. ṠND. N.Ṡ. Ṡ... Ṙ.Ṙ. ṘṠ.Ṡ DṠN. DPG. PN.. D... D.P. GR.S SRG. GGR. GP.. P... G.P. ND.D NDP. P.P. G..P GRS. || 11 RS.R G.G. GRS. RG.G .... .... GR.G P.P. D1PGR GP.. P... .... GP.P D.D. NDPG PN.. D... .... GD.P GPG. RSṆḌ ṆS.. S... .... ॥ 12 ॥ G.G. GRS. RG.G GRSR G.G. .... GP.D D.D. ND.D .PN. D... .... DD.N DPDG PPGR SSRG .... .... GD.P PGDP GRṆḌ Ṇ.S. S... .... ॥ 13 ॥ DP.D N.N. NDPG PN.N .... .... ND.N Ṡ.Ṡ. NDN. NṘ.. Ṡ... .... ṘṠ.Ṙ Ġ.Ġ. ṘṠṠ. Ṙ.Ġ. Ġ... .... Ġ.Ṙ. Ṡ.Ṡ. Ṡ.ṘṠ NDN Ṡ.Ṡ. .... ॥ 14 ॥ ND.N .P.D G.GP D.N. Ṡ.Ṡ. .... ṘṠ.Ṙ Ġ.Ġ. ĠṘṠ. Ṙ.ṠṘ ṠṘĠ. .... ĠṘ.Ṡ .Ṡ.Ṡ .NDD ṘṠND D... .... PGD. PPGD .PGR Ḍ.Ṇ. S.S. .... ॥ 15 ॥ Ragam Dharmavathi A- S R₂ G₂ M₂ P D₂ N₃ Ṡ Av- Ṡ N₃ D₂ P M₂ G₂ R₂ S SRG. MP.P .DPP MGRS ṆSR. R... S.S. RS.S SRSṆ SṆS. SR.. R... RR.. GR.R RRG. SSR. G.R. R... N.N. NṠ.Ṡ ṠṘĠ. ṘṠND PGRS .... ||16|| P.PP .PDP P.DP .DPP .... .... D.DD .DPD PMGR RS.R R.R. .... S..R SṆḌ. ḌṆS. SSṆS R.R. .... R... SR.R SS.S ND.N S.R. S... ||17|| SRGM P.P. P.D. D..D PMP. .... ṠNDP MGRS SRGM .PD. D... .... PMPD .NDP MGG. ND.D .... .... ṠṘṠN DPGR SṠ.Ṡ Ṙ.Ṙ. .... .... REPEAT bhagavati harivallabhē manōjñē tribhuvanabhūtikari prasīda mahyam ṠNṠṘ ..ṠN Ġ..Ġ Ġ... ṀĠ.Ṙ .... ṠṘṠN D.PM G.PG .MP. P... .... ||18|| SRG. MPND PPMG RS.R SS.. CONTD svarvaa S.S. ṆḌ.. ḌṆSḌ ṆS.S Ṇ.S. R.R. .... SRG. MM.M PPP. DDD. DṠṠN .... Ṡ.ṠN (LOKHADI} D.DN Ṡ.Ṡ. NṠṘ. Ṡ.Ṡ. ṠND. NṠ.Ṡ .... ||19|| NNN. DDD. PPMD P... D... .... PMD. P.MG R.SR .SR. R... .... S.S. SṆḌ. ḌSR. SR.G M.M. .... PMD. P.PP PP.P .GM. P... .... ||20|| NṠ.Ṡ Ṙ.ṖṀ ĠṘṠ. ṠD.N Ṡ... .... DṘ.. ṠD.. ṠNDP G.MP .MP. .... PD.. NṠ.. PDNṠ Ṙ.Ṙ. ṠNṠṠ .... ĠṘ.Ṡ Ṡ.PM DPṠ. Ṙ.Ṡ. Ṡ.NṠ .... ||21|

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