Appendix B. Bālākavacam (“The Armour of Bālā”)
- aiṃkārāsanagamitā nalaśikhāṃ
- sau klīṃ kalāṃ bidratīṃ
- sauvarṇāṃbaradhāriṇīṃ triṇayanāṃ
- gautāhivās ojjvalāṃ
- vande pustakapāśamaṃkuśadharāṃ ṣaṭbāhutoścakratāṃ
- tāṃ bālāṃ tripurāṃ śivena sahitāṃ
- ṣaṭ cakrasañcāriṇīṃ
I worship Bālā Tripurā who is accompanied by Śiva and lives in six cakras [of the human body].
I praise her who has six hands and holds a sacred book (pustaka), a loop (pāśa), and a goad (aṅkuśa). She is resplendent, three-eyed, clad in gold, embodies the sounds “sau” and “klīṃ”, and emanates the “aiṃ” sound.
- śiro me pātu kāmākṣī
- lalāṭe durga eva ca
- bhruvau śrībhadrakāḷī ca
- cakṣurmmaddhye śa69 śāṃkarī
- Let Kāmākṣī protect my head
- On [my] forehead Durgā
- On the eyebrows Śrībhadrakāḷī
- Between the eyes Śāṃkarī
- vārāhī nāsikāṃ pātu
- jihvāṃ pātu sarasvatī
- daṃṣtrau tu asitāṃ pātu
- adharoṣṭhau harapriye
- Let Vārāhī protect my nostrils
- Sarasvatī my tongue
- My teeth and lips, Harapriyā, the Beloved of Śiva
- dantapaṃktiṃ nārasiṃhī
- jihvāgre tu hi caṇḍike
- kapolau kauśike rakṣet
- karṇayoḥ kamalālaye
- Let Nārasiṃhī protect a row of my teeth
- Caṇḍikā the tip of my tongue
- My cheeks—Kauśikī
- My ears—Kamalā
- kaṇṭhaṃ pātu mahālakṣ[m]ī
- stanayugme ca pārvatī
- bhujau pātu mahākāḷī
- stanamaddhya ca pārvatī
- Let Mahalaksmī protect my throat
- My pair of breasts—Pārvatī
- My arms—Mahākāḷī
- Between my breasts—Pārvatī
- kakṣadvator bhagavatī
- pārśvaṃ me pātu mātṛkā
- kukṣīr bhagavatī caiva
- nābhīṃ me pātu maṃgaḷāṃ
- Let Bhagavatī protect my armpits
- Mātṛkā—my ribs
- My abdomen—Bhagavatī
- My navel—Maṃgaḷā
- maddhyaṃ me pātu indrāṇī
- nitaṃbe śarvarakṣakī
- ūrū me pātu mitrāṇī
- nitaṃbe tripure saha
- Let Indrāṇī protect my waist
- On one of my hips Śarvarakṣakī
- Let Mitrāṇī protect my thigh
- With Tripurā on my (other) hip
- jaṃghayośca mahāśakti
- jānumaddhye tu śāṃbhavī
- gulphadvayośca mātaṃgī
- pādau me pātu yakṣiṇī
- On my shanks Mahāśakti
- On my knees Śāṃbhavī
- On my ankles Mātaṃgī
- (and) let Yakṣiṇī guard my feet
- pādāṃgulī bhavānī me
- nakhaṃ rakṣatu pārvatī
- pūrvaka70 pātu indrāṇī
- dakṣiṇe rakṣaya rakṣaṇī
- Bhavanī (guard) my toes
- Let Pārvatī protect my nails
- In the east let Indrāṇī stay on guard
- From south let Rakṣaṇī protect me
- paścime pātu paurāṇī
- uttare pātu komalī
- ūrtthā71 rakṣatu sumukhī
- pātāḷe72 bhoginī sutā
- In the west let Paurāṇī protect me
- In the north—Komalī
- Let Sumukhī, the One with the Beautiful Face, protect me from above
- In the lower regions—Bhoginī
- sarvāṃga73 sarvasantuṣṭā
- sarvarakṣāṃśca śāmbhavī
- jñānavṛddhimahotsāhā
- saṃgrāme vijayī bhave
- In all body parts—Sarvasantuṣṭā, The One Pleased with Everything,
- Sarvarakṣā, The One who Protects All, and Śāmbhavī
- Jñānavṛddhī, The One who Causes the Growth of Knowledge
- And Mahotsāhā, the Goddess of Great Power
- In a battle let there be [with me] Vijayī, The Victorious One
- araṇye parvate durge
- coravyāghrādisaṃkaṭe
- ghanadāvānalākrānte
- mahāsāgaramaddhyage
- Parvatī and Durgā—
- In a forest full of thieves, tigers and other [dangers], dense, raged with wildfires
- [and] in the middle of a great ocean
- sandhyor bhagavatī rakṣet
- divārātrau ca rakṣa māṃ
- sarvavidyākarī caiva
- sarvasaubhāgyavartthnaṃ74
- At junctures let Bhagavatī protect me
- Also, at night and during the day
- Together with Sarvavidyākarī, The One Who Gives All Knowledge,
- The one who increases all types of prosperity
- āyuṣyaṃ puṣṭidā caiva
- apamṛtyuvināśanaṃ
- putrārtthī labhate putrāṇ
- dhanārtthī labhate dhanam
- She is the giver of health and wealth
- Protects against premature death
- Who wants a son receives sons
- Who wants wealth receives wealth
- kanyārtthī labhate kanyāṃ
- mokṣārtthī labhate gatiṃ
- sarvavedādhikāraśca
- vipro yaḥ kavacaṃ vadet
- The one who prays for a daughter receives a daughter
- The one who wants liberation attains her goal
- A Brahmin, an expert in all Vedas, should recite this protective chant (kavaca)
- kṣatrāḥ paṭhanti kavacaṃ
- bahurājyaṃ labhanti te
- vaiśyo yaḥ kavacaṃ japtvā
- dhanadhānyasamṛddhimān
- śūdrāṇāṃ labhate caiva
- If a Kṣatriya recites this protective chant, they will receive many kingdoms
- Having chanted this kavaca, a Vaiśya will multiply their money and grain
- Śūdras also receive all prosperity
- sarvasaubhāgyavardhanaṃ
- ekavāraṃ paṭhedyastu
- nityā śucikarā nṛṇāṃ
- dvivārañca paṭhennityaṃ
- kavitvaṃ jñānasiddhidaṃ
- trivārañca paṭhennityaṃ
- aṣṭaṭaiśvaryañca jāyate
- If recited once, [it] forever makes people radiant with purity
- If one chants [the kavaca] twice
- It gives knowledge and poetic talent
- If one regularly chants it thrice [one] receives eightfold blessings
- duṣṭamṛtyupraśamanaṃ
- duṣṭagrahavināśanaṃ
- brahmarākṣasa vetāḷa
- śakunīśākinī tathā
- It protects against sinful death and vanquishes evil spirits like
- Brahmarākṣasa, Vetāḷa, Śakunī, or Śākinī
- hākinnyāścaiva kākinnyaḥ
- sarvabhītivināśanaṃ
- rājavaśyā prajāvaśyā
- nārīvaśyā mahītale
- [It also protects against] Hakinis and Kakinis
- It removes all dangers
- It enslaves kings, people (subjects of the kings), and women on [the whole] Earth
- sarvavṛścikabādhāśca
- sarvopadravanāśanaṃ
- mṛgabādhāvināśaśca
- sarvaśatrur vinaśyati
- It frees one from the hindrances of scorpions
- Heals all injuries
- Removes all problems caused by animals
- And destroys all enemies
- yaḥ idaṃ kavacaṃ nityaṃ
- śucirbhūtvā mahātmanaḥ
- devyāstu sannidhau ścai75 va
- dakṣinnāmūrttisannidhau
- ekānte niyame ramye
- nadītīre śucau stale76
- sarvaśāpaviśuddhātmā
- brahmalokā sa gacchatiiti bālākavacaṃ samāstaṃ
Whoever [chants] this eternal chant—armour (kavaca) gets purification from the great souls
- In the presence of the goddess and Dakṣinnāmūrti
- In a pleasant, secluded, and secret place, on the bank of a river, in a pure place
- He who has purified himself [and chanted this kavaca] goes to the Heaven of Brahma (Brahmaloka)
here ends Bālākavaca
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