17 saptadaśadaśakaḥ - sudarśanakosalaprāptiḥ
yudhājitaṃ śatrujitaṃ ca hatvā raṇāṅgaṇasthā nutibhiḥ prasannā .
subāhumukhyānanugṛhya bhaktān sarveṣu paśyatsu tirodadhātha .. 17-1..
pṛṣṭo nṛpān prāha sudarśanastān dṛṣṭā bhavadbhiḥ khalu sarvaśaktā .
yā nirguṇā yogibhirapyadṛśyā dṛśyā ca bhaktaiḥ saguṇā vinītaiḥ .. 17-2..
yā rājasīdaṃ sṛjatīva śaktiryā sātvikī pālayatīva viśvam .
yā tāmasī saṃharatīva sarvaṃ sadvastu saivānyadasatsamastam .. 17-3..
bhaktārtihantrī karuṇāmayī sā bhaktadruhāṃ bhītikarī prakāmam .
vasan bharadvājatapovanānte cirāya mātrā saha tāṃ bhaje'ham .. 17-4..
tāmeva bhaktyā bhajateha bhuktimuktipradāmastu śubhaṃ sadā vaḥ .
śrutvedamānamramukhāstatheti sammantrya bhūpāśca tato nivṛttāḥ .. 17-5..
sudarśano mātṛvadhūsametaḥ subāhumāpṛchya rathādhirūḍhaḥ .
purīmayodhyāṃ praviśan pureva sītāpatistoṣayati sma sarvān .. 17-6..
līlāvatīṃ prāpya vimātaraṃ ca natvā viṣaṇṇāṃ hataputratātām .
saduktibhiḥ karmagatīḥ prabodhya sa sāntvayāmāsa maheśi bhaktaḥ .. 17-7..
janeṣu paśyatsu sudarśano'tra tvāṃ pūjayitvā guruṇā'bhiṣiktaḥ .
rājye tvadīyaṃ gṛhamāśu kṛtvā pūjāvidhānādi ca saṃvṛdhatta .. 17-8..
tasmin nṛpe tvatsadanāni kṛtvā janāḥ pratigrāmamapūjayaṃstvām .
kāśyāṃ subāhuśca tathā'karotte sarvatra petuḥ karuṇākaṭākṣāḥ .. 17-9..
na karmaṇā na prajayā dhanena na yogasāṅkhyādivicintayā ca .
na ca vratenāpi sukhānubhūtirbhaktyaiva martyaḥ sukhameti mātaḥ .. 17-10..
nāhaṃ subāhuśca sudarśanaśca na me bharadvājamuniḥ śaraṇyaḥ .
guruḥ suhṛdbandhurapi tvameva maheśvari tvāṃ satataṃ namāmi .. 17-11..
१७ सप्तदशदशकः - सुदशशनकोसलप्राप्प्तः
17 saptadashadashakah'-sudarshanakosalapraaptih'
-getting of Kosala by Sudarshana.
( Sudarshana along with his new wife reached his kingdom
and became the king there. This is described in chapter 25 of
book 3 of Devi Bhagawatham)
युधाजितं शत्रुजितं च हत्वा
रणाङ्गणस्था नुजतज िः प्रसन्ना ।
सुबाहुमुख्याननुगृह्य क्तान्
सर्वेषु पश्यत्सु जतरोदधाथ ॥ १७-१॥
yudhaajitam shatrujitam cha hatvaa
ranaanganasthaa nutibhih' prasannaa .
subaahumukhyaananugri'hya bhaktaan
sarveshu pashyatsu tirodadhaatha .. 17-1..
1.Having killed Yudhajith and Shatrujith in the battlefield, you
were pleased with the prayers that was chanted in the battle
field, after blessing Subahu and other devotees, you
disappeared from there while everyone was seeing.
The yudhajith, who screamed that he would kill sudarshana
in the battlefield, was killed. Also his daughter’s son,
Shatrujith - sudarshana’s step-mother’s son-that is his step
brother-was also killed. Yudhajith had planned to get
shatrujith married to Shashikala. Their reluctance and enimity
towards devi destroyed them. subahu prayed to the devi with
full devotion. After blessing all the devotees devi
पृष्टो नृपान् प्राह सु दशशनस्तान्
दृष्टा र्वद्भिः खलु सर्वशशक्ता ।
या जनगुशणा योजगज रप्यदृश्या
दृश्या च क्ततिः सगुणा जर्वनीततिः ॥ १७-२॥
pri'sht'o nri'paan praaha sudarshanastaan
dri'sht'aa bhavadbhih' khalu sarvashaktaa .
yaa nirgunaa yogibhirapyadri'shyaa
dri'shyaa cha bhaktaih' sagunaa vineetaih' .. 17-2..
2.When questioned Sudarasana told the kings, “The goddess
you saw in front of you, is the all powerful one. That devi
who does not have any form cannot be seen even by the
Yogis. But when she takes a form, then devotees who are
humble can see her.
The kings who were present there did not have any
resentment nor closeness to yudhajith or sudarshana.
Without taking part in anything they were witness to
everything. After the devi disappeared they asked
sudarshana,” who is this devi”? Sudarshana told them the
importance of devi. Devi is saguna and nirguna. Nirguna devi
is not visible to even yogis. The devotees can see the saguna
devi. Devi appeared in front of non-devotees like shatrujith
and yudhajith. But they could not understand the devi-only
people who are humble can understand.
या रािसीदं सृ ितीर्व शद्क्तर्
या साद्त्वकी पालयतीर्व जर्वश्वम् ।
या तामसी संहरतीर्व सर्वं
सद्वस्तु सतर्वान्यदसत्समस्तम् ॥ १७-३॥
yaa raajaseedam sri'jateeva shaktir
yaa saatvikee paalayateeva vishvam .
yaa taamasee samharateeva sarvam
sadvastu saivaanyadasatsamastam .. 17-3..
3. It looks like some passionate power(rajasic shakti) has
created this world. It also looks like that the world is
protected by the power of goodness. It looks like the power
of ignorance, appears to destroy everything. That essence is
the Goddess and all other things that are there, is different
from her.
Devi is nirguna and saguna also; to the yogis she is nirguna
and to the bhaktas she is saguna: it is the same devi that
creates this world. It is devi only who is preserving it and
protecting it. In the ocean she creates water-waves-foam-
bubbles. Within minutes she preserves it and merges it with
her. Creating water-waves-foam is a common exercise for
her. Water does not create anything. Be it foam-bubbles-
waves all are water only. Nothing new is born from water.
Devi is creating the world is similar to that. Nothing has been
born that is different from Devi, nor will it ever be born. the
object-the good object-that can be said exists in the 3
worlds, is Devi only. It looks like water creates wave foam and
bubbles. Same way we feel devi creates this universe. We feel
that The nirguna devi takes the rajoguna form and creates,
takes the sattva guna form and protects and takes the tamo
guna form and causes destruction. Devi only creates; the
object for creation also is devi; the foundation of creation
also is devi.
क्ताजतशहन्त्री करुणामयी सा
क्तद्रुहां ीजतकरी प्रकामम् ।
र्वसन् रद्वाितपोर्वनान्ते
जचराय मात्रा सह तां िेऽहम् ॥ १७-४॥
bhaktaartihantree karunaamayee saa
bhaktadruhaam bheetikaree prakaamam .
vasan bharadvaajatapovanaante
chiraaya maatraa saha taam bhaje'ham .. 17-4..
4.The Goddess who is full of mercy removes the problems of
her devotees, creates great fear in those who trouble her
devotees. Ever since I came to stay in bhardwaja muni’s
ashrama with my mother, I have been praying to her.
Devi is full of compassion, she is always trying to destroy the
desire for material things in her devotees. She does not spare
people who trouble her devotees. We just saw this in the city
of kashi. Subahu, sudarshana and others got the blessings of
devi. Yudhajith and his followers were destroyed. In his
childhood, while sudarshana was staying in Bharadwaj muni’s
ashram, he started praying to devi. He always chanted ‘kleem
kleem’, devi’s kaamarajmantram . (check dashakam 15). That
chanting was fruitful.
तामेर्व क्त्या ितेह ुद्क्त-
मुद्क्तप्रदामस्तु शु ं सदा र्विः ।
सम्मन्त्र्य ूपाश्च ततो जनर्वृत्ािः ॥ १७-५॥
taameva bhaktyaa bhajateha bhukti-
muktipradaamastu shubham sadaa vah' .
sammantrya bhoopaashcha tato nivri'ttaah' .. 17-5..
5.She is the one who grants you good life and also salvation
and so pray to that devi with complete devotion from now
on. May you always get good things. Hearing this the kings
bowed their head and humbly told him, “We will do”, and
Sudarshana gave correct answer to the questions asked by
the kings. They saw the influence and mercy of devi directly,
they also heard about from sudarshana. In front of him they
bowed their head in all humility. They all left for their
respective kingdoms by giving a firm answer that they would
pray to devi in future.
सुदशशनो मातृर्वधूसमेतिः
सुबाहुमापृछ्य रथाजधरूढिः ।
पुरीमयोध्ां प्रजर्वशन् पुरेर्व
सीतापजतस्तोषयजत स्म सर्वाश न् ॥ १७-६॥
sudarshano maatri'vadhoosametah'
subaahumaapri'chhya rathaadhirood'hah' .
pureemayodhyaam pravishan pureva
seetaapatistoshayati sma sarvaan .. 17-6..
6.Sudarshana along with his mother and bride, took leave of
Subahu, got onto his chariot, and entered the city of
Ayodhya like how the husband of Sita entered long ago,
made every one happy.
Sudarshana bid adieu to subahu and proceeded to the
kingdom of kosala-along with his bride shashikala and his
mother Manorama. He got onto the chariot and reached the
kingdom of ayodhya. Long ago, when sri rama, after killing
ravana, along with sita and Lakshmana, reached ayodhaya,
the people of ayodhya were extremely happy. on seeing
sudarshana return, who had gone in his childhood, the
people were very happy.
लीलार्वतीं प्राप्य जर्वमातरं च
नत्वा जर्वषण्ां हतपुत्रताताम् ।
सदु द्क्तज िः कमशगतीिः प्रबोध्
स सान्त्र्त्वयामास महे जश क्तिः ॥ १७-७॥
leelaavateem praapya vimaataram cha
natvaa vishannaam hataputrataataam .
saduktibhih' karmagateeh' prabodhya
sa saantvayaamaasa maheshi bhaktah' .. 17-7..
7.Oh great goddess he who was your devotee, sought
Leelavathi, whose father and son were killed and who was
grieving and did not have any support, saluted her, consoled
her by telling ,the way of karma in this world.
The first thing Sudarshana did was to go and pay his respects
to Manorama’s co-wife, Leelavati. Long ago Sri Rama on
returning from the forest went and paid respect to Kaikeyi-
similarly Sudarshana did. Kaikeya was Sri Rama’s offender.
Here Leelavati had not done offence. Now what is the
situation of that mother? - Dhruvasandhi who was her
husband was killed many years ago. Now her father
Yudhajith and son Shatrujith both were killed. Leelavati was
in a situation like what Manorama was long ago, when
Veerasena died. Sudarshana was behaving very sensibly and
humbly towards Leelavathi. Nobody can predict what will
happen to them and when. Face any situation with courage-
only this as humans we can do. He said like this to Leelavati,
and with devotion. Sudarshana’s good behaviour and kind
words reduced Leelavati’s grief.
िनेषु पश्यत्सु सुदशशनोऽत्र
त्वां पूिजयत्वा गुरुणाऽज जषक्तिः ।
राज्ये त्वदीयं गृहमाशु कृत्वा
पूिाजर्वधानाजद च संव्यधत् ॥ १७-८॥
janeshu pashyatsu sudarshano'tra
tvaam poojayitvaa gurunaa'bhishiktah' .
raajye tvadeeyam gri'hamaashu kri'tvaa
poojaavidhaanaadi cha samvyadhatta .. 17-8..
8.Then Sudarsana worshipped the Goddess, in front of all the
people. Thus, he was crowned by the Guru. With speed got a
temple constructed for you. He also laid out a plan for the
procedure of your worship.
With the death of Shathrujith, the kingdom of Kosala was
without a king. Sudarshana only was supposed to have been
the king. He gathered all the people of the kingdom and
conducted a Devi puja. After that, Rajaguru Vasishta crowned
him the king. He got a temple for the Devi constructed in his
kingdom. He got regular pujas performed there. During the
autumnal Navaratri he conducted special pujas. Performing
Navaratri puja by adhering to all the rituals, guarantees the
blessings of devi.
Becaused during his childhood in the ashrama, he used to
regularly chant the kaamrajmantram-‘kleem kleem’-he got all
that he desired-he easily got back his kingdom, he got a very
devoted wife also. Devi transforms a weak person into a very
strong person was already mentioned earlier (check 11th
dashakam 8th shloka), sudarshana’s story is a very good
example. This is the story of devi’s influence and mercy.
तद्स्मन् नृपे त्वत्सदनाजन कृत्वा
िनािः प्रजतग्राममपूियंस्त्वाम्
काश्यां सुबाहुश्च तथाऽकरोत्े
सर्वशत्र पेतुिः करुणाकटाक्ािः ॥ १७-९॥
tasmin nri'pe tvatsadanaani kri'tvaa
janaah' pratigraamamapoojayamstvaam .
kaashyaam subaahushcha tathaa'karotte
sarvatra petuh' karunaakat'aakshaah' .. 17-9..
9.Under his rule people constructed temples for Devi even in
villages and worshipped devi very religiously. Subahu did the
same in the city of Kashi. Everywhere Your merciful sight was
When a king is a devotee of Devi, then the citizens of that
kingdom also turn out to be staunch devotees of Devi. They
went from village to village conducting pujas on Devi. Same
was the situation in the kingdom of Kashi. Devi’s merciful
blessings were always flowing.
न कमशणा न प्रिया धनेन
न योगसाङ्ख्ख्याजदजर्वजचन्तया च ।
न च व्रतेनाजप सुखानु ूजतर्
क्त्यतर्व मर्त्शिः सुखमेजत मातिः ॥ १७-१०॥
na karmanaa na prajayaa dhanena
na yogasaankhyaadivichintayaa cha .
na cha vratenaapi sukhaanubhootir
bhaktyaiva martyah' sukhameti maatah' .. 17-10..
10. We may not experience pleasure by doing a lot of good
work, nor by creating children, nor by acquiring or earning
wealth, nor by practicing yoga or studying philosophy, nor
by observing fasts and rituals. Oh mother! man can acquire
happiness only by true devotion towards you.
For a person who has no devotion everything is useless,
everything is full of sadness. Otherwise, for a devotee
everything is pleasurable. Devotion with love is the best.
नाहं सुबाहुश्च सु दशशनश्च
न मे रद्वािमुजनिः शरण्यिः ।
गुरुिः सुहृद्बन्धुरजप त्वमेर्व
महे श्वरर त्वां सततं नमाजम ॥ १७-११॥
naaham subaahushcha sudarshanashcha
na me bharadvaajamunih' sharanyah' .
guruh' suhri'dbandhurapi tvameva
maheshvari tvaam satatam namaami .. 17-11.
11. I am not Subahu nor am I Sudarshana, nor do I have
anybody to take refuge in like Sage Bharadwaja. Oh
Maheshwari! you are my only Guru, friend and relative.
I always am saluting you.
Subahu was a devotee of devi. Because Sudarshana was
fortunate to take refuge in Sage Bhardwaj he too became a
devotee. The poet reminds devi that he did not get such
opportunities-friend, relative and guru everything for him is
devi only. He requests devi to bless him accordingly.
Devi bhagvatham 3rd skandam, chapters 14-25, the story of
sudarshana has been explained here.
Thus ends the 17th chapter
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